sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2011

Depois do carnaval...

aos poucos,
o carnaval se despede

a velocidade da cidade diminui,
os comércios voltam ao normal

as caras viram rostos de novo,
sai a maquiagem,
sai a tinta,
sai a fantasia,
sai a alegria escancarada

o ano,
por sua vez,
pensa em começar

e os foliões?
ah, os foliões!
estes começam a contagem regressiva
para o próximo ano,
para o próximo carnaval,
para a próxima festa de serpentinas e confetes!

Um comentário:

  1. ha ha found another I haven´t commented on!! Actually I really wanted to talk about music. I think it has a lot to do with your poetry, there is a strong musicality there. I think it would be great to hear some of your poems put to music (or even to hear you read them.. one day you should try that at least). Recently I noticed you have been putting some videos on FB and liking a lot of classical Brazilian artists. That made me think of some musicans/poets. I am going to post two in here for you (maybe on FB is better, but there is more room to talk here). The first is a Portuguese singer/poet called Zeca Afonso. The song I am posting here was the song for the 74 revolution, but he writes amazing stuff, and I like the music as well...Here are two by him, and the classic grandola vila morena
    Second is a french singer Ferrat, who writes a lot of good stuff, but also put song poems by a French communist poet Louis Aragon to music. I like a lot of music, but not so much the version I am putting now.. I have been busy all day and couldnt find a better version, sorry.. but I think the words are lovely... it is a great poem. Here is hte link
    Hope to see a new poem one of these days!! :-)
