quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013

rien d'autre

você soprou suas palavras num envelope

lacrou bem lacrado pra ninguém roubá-las no caminho
ou até pras serelepes não fugirem

chamou o pombo correio que,
responsável que só ele,
chegou na hora certa, bem pontual

disse pra ele levar o envelope com carinho,
"esse é especial"

como mágica,
suas palavras chegaram até mim
essas letrinhas cuidadosamente escolhidas e unidas
atravessaram esse oceano que nos separa,
o fuso horário e até a falta de toque

é que elas chegaram
ainda frescas, quentes
e se instalaram em mim num triz
e eu as aceitei de peito aberto,
- me invadam, queridas,
podem vir

me arrepiei toda,
sorri inteira por dentro
(e por fora também, sorriso com a boca fechada)
me joguei na cama num suspiro profundo
abraçando o envelope vermelho
e com os olhinhos bem fechados

seu cheiro saiu dele e inundou meu quarto
do meu travesseiro então, acho que ele nunca mais sai
seu toque atravessou as palavras
e, imaginando, te senti e arrepiei
até os dedinhos do pé

e sua imagem nunca esteve tão visível, chéri
de forma que eu podia até mesmo
abandonar todas as minhas necessidades fisiológicas 
comer pra quê?
dormir pra quê? 

de que mais eu preciso
pra viver
além de envelopes
rien d'autre.

2 comentários:

  1. It is always great to read a poem of yours, a privilege in fact, a great privilege. (And when you send me a message about a new poem, well that makes me even happier :-)
    I loved this poem for various reasons, - including what it signifies (and I am still feeling silly for my misinterpretation - embarrassed face). Even leaving aside this aspect, it is still a great poem, different from a lot of your stuff, in that it is very, very happy (almost ecstatic) without any trace of sadness or wistfulness. It is very happy indeed, but also very sweet and tender, - and like so many of your poems, open, making me feel privileged that I can read it - and have access to your thoughts, your feelings...
    I hope that more will be coming soon :-)
    Keep writing my friend, I´ll always be here torcendo, reading, and writing lots of comments

  2. Olá my friend, it seems so long since I have left a comment! Sorry, but I have been crazily busy (still am, but writing comments here is something I enjoy, you like, and so is probably therapeutical for both of us!! :-)
    Hopefully you will write something new soon, I am missing your poems (and talking with you), but much more important than that, is that writing poetry is something so important for you. It is part of you - not just cause of your great talent, but also because it is a healthy way you have found to deal with the problems and things the world throws at you. As you told me about two years ago, this is really important for you, and if I can help, encourage you, I always will. Can I make a suggestion? We were talking about deep things and a certain person last week, we never finished the conversation, but I think it might help you to write something (a letter, poem, or conto). In a way it would be exorcism of a (good) sort. It wouldn~t have to be good (nor would you have to publish it here, but as always I would read it for you if you wanted, but only if you wanted). Probably it would be difficult, painful to write. Probably you have to write it sometime in your life, maybe now, maybe only in the future... ok, that is enough of my psychological advice hahaha I didn't mean to write this at all, I just wanted to say something about your poetry. Keep on writing my friend, keep on painting the world, and yourself, your feelings, fears, desires, hopes and dreams, in your beautiful words! keep writing and make the world a better place :-)
