sábado, 26 de maio de 2012

comme musique

je marche dans la rue
peu importe dans quelle direction
ce type de chose n'importe pas
quelque fois, je même me perds
en pensant à toi

avec les écouteurs dans mes oreilles
tout à coup
je suis à l'interior de nos musiques

sais-tu, mon amour?
ce que, dernièrement, tous les chansons d'amour
sont devenus nos
mes et tes
parce que elles parlent de l'amour

et moi et toi,
nous sommes devenus les sujets principaux
de toute la existence

2 comentários:

  1. Yeah.. my internet came back, so I will make a quick comment before my brain fades away. Today was a long day ha haha
    As I said in BBM, I really liked it. It is simple, but has a nice feel to it.. it doesnt feel stilted at all, which is a good achievement, considering you are not writing in your own language.
    I just dont fully understand the second last line (nous sommes devenus les sujets principaux ) we are becommming? What does devenus mean?
    It was a nice surprise to read this, this morning and the other one last night. Hopefully more will be on the way soon!
    Keep writing. Tomorrow I will write proper comments.. :-)

  2. I am not sure if this really counts as a comment, but I am really missing discovering new poems of yours.... maybe I am addicted ha haha. Hopefully in the next while, now that you will have a little more time, you´ll be able to write more :-) Actually, - leaving aside what I feel - I think it will be good for you, it is a therapy for you, not always an easy one, but it helps you and is good for you (in addition to the fact that what you write is always very good)! :-) I am also looking forward to the English poem.. vou cobrar! ha ha ha
