Como disse Andre Borges Lopes na sua carta que fora publicada no blog do jornalista Luis Nassif e dirigida aos que ainda sabem sonhar, nós há muito havíamos desaprendido a. Temos visto os maiores absurdos acontecerem diante de nós há décadas e o máximo que fazemos é reclamar dos políticos numa mesa de bar, entre uma cerveja e outra. Nos chateamos e depois vamos pro samba, pra praia, pro estádio torcer por nosso time do peito, pro bloco de carnaval e por aí vai. Nossa geração é especialista em jogar as coisas pra baixo do tapete - ou foi especialista nesse defeito até então.
Finalmente, como num último suspiro, parece que 20 centavos podem realmente fazer a diferença. 20 centavos parecem ter - enfim - despertado a nossa revolta, que há tanto tempo estava sendo cutucada com escândalos de corrupção, violência, má administração dos recursos públicos e falta de condições mínimas para que a grande parcela da população do nosso país viva com dignidade. E, apesar de tantas e repetidas cutucadas, a nossa revolta parecia ainda sonolenta. Mesmo com toda a claridade e barulhos estridentes entrando pela janela, nós cismávamos em continuar dormindo, desperdiçando a energia e sonhos típicos da juventude pelo mal da descrença.
Contudo, temos visto e sentido na pele que ainda há esperança. Ainda há esperança porque onde há vontade de mudar, há possibilidade de. Depois da nossa geração ter crescido restringindo as nossas (já poucas) reclamações às conversas entre amigos e a manifestações na internet que se limitavam a compartilhar fotos e palavras de efeito, parece que, como num clique, colocamos a cabeça pra funcionar e, finalmente, decidimos pensar, criar, trocar idéias e, já com a bagagem cheia de sonhos, demandas e esperança, ir às ruas para exigir nada mais do que o mínimo que merecemos, nada mais do que o mínimo de tudo o que temos direito. O despertador tocou e nós acordamos com tudo, tomados por uma inquietação e revolta tardias. Mas antes tarde do que nunca, não é mesmo?
A questão é que não tem sido fácil. As manifestações estão sendo violentamente reprimidas. O que ganham os manifestantes que tem caminhado, juntos, pedindo nada além de uma arrumação decente pra esse país já há tanto tempo maltratado, no qual os políticos, em sua grande maioria, se preocupam muito mais em vender a idéia de um país do futuro - vide os rios de dinheiro gastos com obras para a Copa e as Olimpíadas - do que em realmente colocar a mão na massa para combater a miséria, a desigualdade social gritante e a falta de oportunidades que assolam tantos e tantos brasileiros? O que tem ganhado esses manifestantes? Bombas de lacrimogênio arremessadas entre os gritos totalmente pacíficos que clamam pelo direito de nos expressarmos nas ruas "sem violência!"; balas de borracha nos olhos de repórteres, jornalistas e fotógrafos; prisões completamente absurdas com a alegação de que os manifestantes estão cometendo o crime de formação de quadrilha. E aquela tal de liberdade de expressão, o que é isso mesmo? Só um mero detalhe da democracia a qual dissemos por aí ter alcançado, não é? Um mero detalhe que pode ser ignorado sempre que convém. Mas não, dessa vez não. Cansamos.
A truculência policial está aí para nos mostrar que realmente é hora. Pra nos mostrar quão frágil é a nossa democracia. Pra nos mostrar que a nossa revolta não pode mais ficar adormecida, que precisamos de uma limpeza geral na nossa nação e que não podemos mais nos esconder por trás do nosso individualismo e colocar a culpa "do nosso país não ir pra frente" nos políticos que nós mesmo elegemos a cada eleição. Tudo o que temos, há anos, acompanhado sentados em nossos sofás, certamente dói em todos nós, ainda que em alguns mais diretamente e em outros menos, mas a nossa revolta, enfim, foi acordada por um aumento de 20 centavos - revolta essa que, claramente, não é fundada apenas nisso. Chega a ser engraçado o discurso de quem nos ataca com essa alegação, afinal quem dera o nosso único motivo para revolta fosse o aumento de preço do transporte público, não é? O importante é que agora sabemos que onde quer que estejamos, podemos sim ser mais fortes, basta acreditarmos e sermos uníssonos: um só som, um só coração, uma só nação. Precisamos fazer tudo que podemos fazer e nem sabíamos.
Para essa luta verde e amarela, eu convido os nossos artistas, tão importantes historicamente em nossas lutas sociais. André Malraux, um escritor francês, disse uma vez que "a cultura, sob todas as formas de arte, de amor e de pensamento, através dos séculos, capacitou o homem a ser menos escravizado" e, é justamente com essa visão, que convidamos vocês, tão influentes sobre nós e sobre todos que possuem sangue brasileiro correndo nas veias, a se manifestarem e a ajudarem o nosso povo a ser menos escravizado! Precisamos, de uma vez por todas, lutar contra essa classe política incapaz de fazer a única coisa que precisa fazer: nos representar. E precisamos de vocês. Caetano Veloso, Chico Buarque, Wagner Moura, Gabriel O Pensador, Gilberto Gil, Ferreira Gullar, João Cabral de Melo Neto, Falcão, Veríssimo, TODOS, precisamos de suas vozes no nosso coro por um novo Brasil!
Olá my dear friend,
ResponderExcluirBetter late than never.. but tonight I have been busy.. You never fail to amaze me, producing new talents in your writing. This political/social letter was great, amazing.. If I could I think I would talk for hours with you about what is going on, I think in general we would agree, but in some areas our perspectives are different.. in a minute I will return to this, but I want to say as a piece of writing, this was so good... hopefully loads of people will read it...tonight I am too tired to write anything that can do it justice.. maybe tomorrow
I wanted to say something else about our perspectives. They have to be different, which is good, we look with two different sets of eyes - though it is funny I am European and you are BRazilian, yet I am here and you are there..
Something else I want to say is that I loved what I saw tonight, but when I got home, when I logged on fb after getting a little girl to sleep, I got so depressed...
So many people writing ridiculous things - and more than that, people who had been condemning what was happening a few days ago, are now trying to appropriate it, turn it into a party political (and more specifically anti-pt) thing. All that hate and contempt depresses me my friend... all these people shouting easy things like more money for education - but the money is there, the problem is how it is spent. BRazil is a big country, a federal country, it has problems, but changing them is difficult, irrespective of who is in power... Even apart from the politicaians there is too much corporatism (OAB, crea, etc,).. there is a chance for real change here, but my fear is that it is going to be drowned out (loads of people seem to be trying to insert the farce of the menslaõ.. (which in my opinion didn't exist) but no one mentions the fact that there are women in rj receiving pensions of R$30,000 a month plus, who are married, never worked in their lives, just cause their fathers were judges or something.. or that the wives/husbands and children of the stf judges travel first class internationally for free at a cost of several million per year)...
sorry I had better stop.. I have been in BRazil 20 years (in one month), I love it, but I think I know its problems...
Keep writing my friend, it is my privilege to be here, to be able to read your work
It seems so long since I left a comment here... There are loads of things I would like to say and to discuss with you about the last two weeks, they have been crazy, interesting and horrible (especially what happened in Rio last Thurs - and the massacre last night in Maré by the PMs). On the whole, it was good, beautiful even, but I am not sure how much will be achieved. In regard to Rio, from what loads of students have told me, last thurs was crazy. First, the whole feeling of the protest was different, much less political than before, then later the PMs attacked... and attacked..horrible. I am convinced the order came from above to cause havoc and to destroy what was going on, and to an extent this has happened. However, at the same time, and this has made me happy, people have been woken to an attempt to manipulate the portests by glob0/veja and worse elements. There have been neo-fascists in SP and in Rio.. scary, but they failed in their attempt to stir things up. I was really happy about Dilma~s proposal for a plebiscite and constituent - after all to me a referendum is the most basic form of democracry, it is the voice of the people. Many people seemed to be opposed, though I honestly don't see how else things will pass. Expecting the congress and the STF to pass change is innocent, reforms will be diluted through negotiations. Things like PEC 37 (everyone hated, no one knew what it was about.. MPF has not been doing a good job and wont in the near future) get highlighted, but not the financing of parties, lobbying, the power of companies, of individuals like Daniel Dantas and Eike Batista on the political system, and many other important but complex questions which need to be addressed, but which are hard to understand, so don't fit into Facebook politics... Although the cosntittuente has now been abandoned, unfortunately in my opinon, there will still be referendum, I just hope the debate will be political and social, not legal... I have written loads. I really should put my ideas down, just a little problem of time!!!
ResponderExcluirIs this the strangest comment I have put on your blog??
Keep writing!!!!
Hello from a wet and very cold Parati... I cant rememeber the last time I felt cold in Rio state. I think it is 9 degrees today.... warm by some parts of Europe hahaha.
ResponderExcluirIt has been a while since I left you a comment, in part cause I am horrendously busy, and also cause in the last few days I have been in Parati with horrible internet (I hope it lasts long enough for me to finish this comment). I hope you are having a great time (by the photos you are), but I also hope you have lots of ideas for poems, you have such a talent - and more than that, when I am sad, or worried, or one of those strange moods, reading your poems always helps me... and I believe in the future other people as well. So I am missing your poems a lot (and you hahah). I am also missing writing comments, I know you like it, but it is therapeutic for me (writing poetry is, but writing comments is also in a different way, maybe because I feel like I am talking directly to you, which I miss. Actually I miss having conversations with people in general, young children have such an isolating impact).
I noticed that you have been posting lots of things about rio recently. in fact, I have been more following whats happening by your posts and a few others cause in the pousada I can get onto fb, but almost nothing else... it´s annoying. What do you think is happening? to me, lots of good and bad things. I think there is also a need for better organization, the current protests are too atomized, a better organization (also to protect against the police} is needed - and to get rid of infiltrators. Another thing I find strange is that multitude of ideologies, and the bortamento of right-wing ones. last night I saw something someone had posted with a comment by someone from globo (I think) Alexandr Garcia, basically blaming dilma for everything (its alsways here, never the mayors or governors - except in rio now, thank god). but the site this was posted on in fb, (quero meu brasil melhor) was fascist, advocating a coup, no votes for people with bolsa familia). I said this to my friend who had posted my original, but I don't think she understood my point.. hopefully soon we can have a talk about this. Basically I think more and more, a constituent is needed. the conservative forces have rejected dilma´s idea of a plebiscite, of course they would, they have power. I think too many people don't realize that although dilma is president, the governor, mayors, senators and deputies have so much power - and the majority are conservative. I wish Dilma were braver - and the pt too; but this conservative majority who hold the power seem to get no blame. Look at SP, no protests against Alkmin, when there has been a lot of proof of tucano corruption appearing (not in globo of course)... I am taking too usual
Saudades for you and your poems, writings. Write more soon.. :-)
Sorry for all the typing mistakes, I am writing fast and my fingers are freezing.. hahah