domingo, 10 de fevereiro de 2013

only lyon

a neve lá fora
desobediente que só ela 
não deu uma trégua essa semana
uminha sequer
tá que nem criança levada
fofinha, mas não vale nada
é rebelde que dói

mesmo assim, 
vesti o manteau e sai porta afora
pra me perder por tuas ruazelas 
e namorar cada janela antiga
cada escadinha escondida
e as cores dos prédinhos de vieux lyon

queria é fazer confusão
com as tuas pracinhas
com as tuas igrejas
e até com os teus franceses

mas. ao invés disso, lyon
fizestes o oposto avec moi
teu guignol me deu a mão
e entre teus traboules
teus clubes de jazz e teus bouchons
enfeitiçada por 
teu aroma, sabor, cor e tom
acabei me encontrando

- ei, toi, me belisca?
ora, nem sei se cidade belisca
mas se bem.. qu'inda bem
quem disse que eu quero acordar?

4 comentários:

  1. I really liked this. It is a happy poem, a lost and magical poem in a way. It seems like you have fallen out of the world and ended up in a magical place (your Narnia or something like that? :-) But dont worry, I am not going to pinch you. If you are dreaming (which you are not) I am not going to wake you!!!
    I love the imagery in this poem, of you wandering around Lyon, of the snow, the jazz clubs, etc. What most grabbed my attention was you saying you had found you. That I want to know (or should I say read?) more about.. :-)
    Anyway, enoug poetry for me tonight, now I have to travel back in time to 1920s Brazil and the fights between socialists and communists, espeialy in Bahia!!! The joys of translating!!!
    Keep writing my friend, keep writing

  2. Estou com saudades da sua poesia, e com vontade e ler mais!!! :-) So when you have time, hopefully soon, I will get a nice surprise checking your blog!
    Keep writing! And I hope France (and everywhere else you visit) will inspire you!

  3. You did put a photo in!! :-) (Did you see mine with the photos? Let me know what you think) Any more poems coming up soon, or you just have no time? Estou com muito saudades (for you and for your poems). I had a complicated and tiring day, so no I am re-reading your poems to cheer myself up. It always works :-) As have told you many, many times (and there is no harm in saying it again), you have an amazing talent, so write, my friend, write... :-)

  4. Hello my friend, I am sticking this comment in at random... I am pasting below a story about an American poet, Sharon Olds. I have heard of her a few times, and from what I have heard I have always thought of you (I will not say you remind me of her, rather it is the opposite, I read about her, and then sme of her poems, and she reminds me of you... then tonight I read that she is supposed to be one of the greatest living English poets, so I have to post this here... :-) the article is short, its worth a read - and she really does remind me of you..
    keep writing my friend, no matter what, keep writing, and i will always be here encouraging (annoying???) you ha ah ah Be true to your amazing gift
