sábado, 29 de outubro de 2011

a louca miserável que me encara do espelho

como fico miserável sem você
e como fico miserável com você, meu bem
apesar de você!

como a vida era fácil sem você!
livre, leve, simples..
apesar de um tanto vazia..

alguém, por favor, faça um check-up em mim
conserte meus miolos, meu coração e tudo o mais
e me transforme para ser feliz com você,
sem mais apesares de!

2 comentários:

  1. This poem kind of contradicts the other two, in which you appeared simply in love... a new and happier poet. This one reminds me of your other poems, in which there was often a bittersweetness, happiness and sadness, and a certain irony, at the same time. I have a feeling this was written before the other two? Or after....? I think you want to leave me waiting for the next episode.. :-)
    As a poem, I like it, as usual. It is short, but nice.. but I find it intriguing in relation to the other two. Hopefully, the next episodes will bring some clarity :-)

  2. I forgot to say that I really like the end, the last verse... though I think no one can do a check up on you (or on anyone). I think most people (the ones that matter at least) are kind of f****d up ha ha hah... Life without apesares... impossible. But I also don´t think you are louca :-)
