segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011


de repente,
me vejo presa a você
sem nenhuma corrente,
sem nenhuma coleira,
mas presa

presa porque não quero me afastar
presa porque ficar sem você é ruim demais
presa porque suas lembranças não me deixam mais em paz

não vejo mais porque beijar outras bocas
se eu já sei que beijar a sua é sempre melhor
não vejo mais graça em dormir sozinha,
seu lado da cama sente sua falta
o vento frio não me deixa relaxar
a falta do seu abraço deixa o meu coração apertado...

apesar de você ser mais novo,
apesar de tantas vezes parecer tão imaturo,
apesar de tentar me afastar com atitudes tão bobas,
com simples falta de cuidado... sem pensar, sem querer...

apesar de,
é por você que meu corpo chama,
é em você que eu penso ao acordar
é a você que dedico os meus versos...

apesar de,
apesar de,
apesar de,
saiba que eu amo você!

2 comentários:

  1. Back after too long...:-)
    A happy poem, rather a simple happy love poem, different from a lot of your other work, which is more complex and looks at different aspects of relationships. But there is space for poems like this (and hopes that everyone can at sometime feel like this, not forever, all relationships, everybody changes, grow, develop, etc.. but still feeling like this is good...:-) I have to ask, are you in love, or you wrote this and posted it cause of the day (12 de junho)??? Being nosey!!!
    Keep writing.

  2. Olá amiga,
    I have suddenly found myself alone in at home. It is a nice (and rare) feeling. I have loads of work to do, but can´t do any. My body feels tired, I can´t stand, I tried to sleep but can´t... Do you know the feeling? I think you do, so I am fuxicando your poems, re-reading old ones I haven´t read in a while, trying to animate myself, encourage myself. It´s working, as is writing this comment. I have told you loads and loads of times how much talent you have, how good you are at making what you are feeling universal, so anymore can understand it - and feel it. Well, at least I do. I relate to your poetry and your writing, relate a lot. But today I have been looking at these old poems, and thinking about recent conversations we have had, thinking about our friendship (which is so important for me, and for you too I think). These old poems are snapshots of how you felt at particular times, many refer to certain people (many of whom I kind of know without having met them). It´s made me happy reading and thinking about these days (and less tired, Val is terrible these days, I am absolutely worn out, much more than with Joaquim). It also lets me (and you) see inside your head, see you hopes, dreams, desires, and demons, see how you are changing - and how you are not..:-) As if this was not enough, it is nice, sweet, comforting, just to read your poems, to delve, to dive into your poetry. I just kind of wish is was dark and raining outside, I was sitting beside a fire with a bottle of wine, and a book of your poetry beside me, instead of a computer :-)
    I have written a lot here, maybe too much.. Maybe what I really meant to say was I hope you can write more soon!!
